Wednesday, November 3, 2010

6 Foods to Fight Cancer

Hi Everyone,
The Today Show just ran a segment on 6 foods to fight cancer.  I thought it was an accurate and simple explaination of how these 6 foods work in the body to fight cancer:
1. Broccoli- raw is best
2. Black raspberries- berries in general are great, but black raspberries are best
3. Tomatoes- cooked is best, especially good in fighting prostate and endometrial cancers
4. Walnuts- good in fighting breast and prostate cancers
5. Garlic- fights the nitrates in processed foods, good in fighting colon cancer
6. Black & navy beans- also good in fighting breast and colon cancers

Foods that promote cancer, avoid high consumption of these:
1. Animal fat- meat, dairy and cheese
2. Alcohol
3. Processed meat- hotdogs, pepperoni and lunch meat

See more at

1 comment:

  1. I love the Longevity Monday concept! What a great idea to fight off the monday morning blues and beginning of the week stress. I am going to have to try it! Great tips on relaxation too. Thanks for posting! Tara
