Sunday, February 27, 2011

BBQ Ribs!

Howdy Friends,

Rodeo is in full swing in Houston.   Everyone is wearing boots and the air smells of BBQ.  Given all the reading I have done in the past year on meat and where meat comes from, I thought it would be easy as pie to stay away from BBQ this year.  But, I gave in.  I couldn’t help it.  Some friends and I attend the BBQ cook off every year and this year was no exception.  The ribs I had where so darn good.  The meat fell off the bone, was so tender and the flavoring was perfect.  Oh, it was so good! 

Okay, enough of rodeo ribs.  There is a new movie coming out this year called To Your Health by Juliana Hever.  Take a look at the trailer, it looks great!  She interviews some top experts in the field.

In other news, an interesting study came through my inbox today.  In a paper published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, it was reported that children with low levels of vitamin D are associated with an increase in the development of allergies.  The study looked at more than 3,000 children.  Low vitamin D levels were associated with sensitivity to 11 of 17 allergens tested, including both environmental and food allergens.  The latest dietary recommendation suggests that children take in 600 IU of vitamin D daily to keep from becoming vitamin-D deficient.

Hmmm, interesting and worth asking the pediatrician. 

Be Well,

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