Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dear God

Dear God,

It’s me, Amy.  Today is my 5 year anniversary since being told “I’m sorry to say that it’s malignant, you have cancer.”  At the time, I never imagined I would make it this far, but here I am.  Thank you God for the experience of personal growth you have given me as a cancer survivor.  I have learned more than I could ever imagine about death, cancer, cells, longevity, nutrition, immunity and antioxidants.  But more importantly, I have become closer to you and learned to trust in you more.  The song lyrics frequently play in my head…. “I guess we’re all one phone call from our knees.”  Fortunately and unfortunately it’s true and for me, I’m working on letting go.  As you know, this is really hard for me.  I am a type A kind of gal- I want to be in control with a solution for every issue.  Forgive me for the times that I thought I could do it alone.  As a cancer survivor, your light has shone through circumstance and through individuals.  I have felt your presence and heard the humming of angels all around me. 

Thank you God for those who have cared for my body and used the skills given to them by you to keep me whole and healthy-  Dr. Reisman, Dr. Miller, Dr. Cline, Dr. Bass, Dr. Rivera, Dr. Teh, Dr. Giordiano, Dr. Adkins, Dr. Long, Dr. Stepp, Dr. Aloia, Dr. Aslam, Dr. Raj and all of their staff.  Thank you for my family for their tireless efforts to be strong and faithful through this journey with me-  Brett, Mom, Dad, Tina, Jessica, my children, my in-laws, and many, many more family members.  Thank you for my friends- golden and silver, young and old.  God, you know who they are and I pray that you bless them over and over again for the love they have shown to their sister in Christ- ME!  You have surrounded me with great prayer warriors who fervently believe and pray.  Thank you for my church, First Presbyterian Houston and all the blessings I have received from you through them. 

Lord, I humbly ask that you see me through a long life full of health and safety.  Please continue to use me for the good of those of us here on earth.  I ask you, we ask you, as a community to hear our prayers about finding a cure for cancer.  It’s all around us- we are all touched by cancer.  I pray for those close to me who have lost loved ones to cancer.  Especially The Borons, The Campbells, The Espinozas, The Van Ramshorsts,  The Blumers, The Crosses, The Waltzes, The Dvoraks, The Andersons, The Roddys and The Barcelos.

In your name I sincerely pray, Amen.

Me and Dr. Rivera, my first Oncologist