Hi Everyone,
My husband and I are going to a BBQ tonight and I’m already wondering what the choice of foods will be. Is it rude to eat before we go?? I have read a lot on the relationship between grilling and cancer- and it has been on my list of topics to blog. It just so happens that the summer issue of MD Anderson’s Promise came through my inbox yesterday. Take a look at their tips for healthful grilling:
1. Avoid processed meats.
Cancer-causing substances form when processed meats such as bacon, ham, pastrami, salami, sausage, hot dogs and pepperoni are preserved, says the American Institute for Cancer Research. Eating these meats can damage DNA, increasing the risk of colorectal cancer.
2. Limit red meat.
Eating too much red meat such as pork, lamb and beef can raise cancer risk. Try grilling skinless chicken breasts, fish, fruits and vegetables.
3. Trim the fat.
Cancer-causing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) form in the smoke when fat from meat, poultry or fish drips onto the heat source. That PAH-filled smoke then coats your food.
4. Don’t char or burn meat, poultry or fish.
Charring, burning or grilling meat, poultry and fish over high temperatures causes heterocyclic amines (HCAs) to form. HCAs can damage genes, raising the risk for stomach and colorectal cancers.
To avoid HCAs:
Use a marinade. Marinating meat in vinegar, lemon juice and/or herbs can reduce HCA formation by as much as 96%.
Stick with fish. Fish contains less fat and cooks faster than meat and poultry.
Lightly oil the grill. This keeps charred materials from sticking to your food.
Pre-cook food. Less grill time means less exposure to cancer-causing chemicals.
Lower the temperature. Spread coals thinly or prop the grill rack on bricks. Barbecue briquettes and hardwood products (hickory, maple) burn at lower temperatures than softwood (pine) chips.
Scrub the grill. Cleaning after each use prevents harmful chemicals from building up and transferring to food.
Enjoy the rest of your summer (mine feels like 110 today) and Happy Grilling!
Be Well,